Who Chooses? Shifting and Sharing Power with People Most Impacted by Philanthropy’s Decisions BlogMelinda TuanMarch 17, 2022Center for Effective Philanthropy
Moving from Deceit to Trust: The Necessity of Listening BlogMelinda TuanJune 29, 2021Center for Effective Philanthropy
High-Impact Strategies to Help You Find a Focus for Your Philanthropy ArticleMelinda TuanJune 1, 2021Goldman Sachs
Amplified Needs Require Amplifying Voices BlogMelinda TuanJuly 7, 2020Center for Effective Philanthropy
Measuring and Maximizing the Results of Your Philanthropy ArticleMelinda TuanMay 13, 2020Goldman Sachs
Fulfilling Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Pledge: Listening In A Time Of Crisis BlogMelinda TuanApril 1, 2020Center for Effective Philanthropy
Insights From An Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion Journey BlogMelinda TuanOctober 1, 2019Center for Effective Philanthropy
How Can You Help Us If You Don't Know Us? BlogMelinda TuanJune 4, 2019Center for Effective Philanthropy
Get Proximate: The Potential Power of Feedback Loops BlogMelinda TuanApril 27, 2017Center for Effective Philanthropy