Why Community Listening is Critical to Achieve Effective Philanthropy PodcastMelinda TuanFebruary 19, 2025Goldman Sachs
Turn on Your Headlights: How Funders Can Cut Through the Chaos Right Now BlogMelinda TuanFebruary 14, 2025Center for Effective Philanthropy
Melinda Tuan featured on Filantropia Puerto Rico Podcast: Listening, Responding and Shifting Power PodcastMelinda TuanJanuary 30, 2025Goldman Sachs
Tensions in Funder Learning: Reflections on a Participatory Grantmaking Initiative Other Blog PostsMelinda TuanJanuary 30, 2025Goldman Sachs
Ask the Experts: What is Nonprofit Effectiveness? CurriculumMelinda TuanJanuary 29, 2025Goldman Sachs
Ask the Experts: What is a Charitable Mission Statement? CurriculumMelinda TuanJanuary 29, 2025Goldman Sachs
Worksheet: Finding Effective Nonprofit Organizations CurriculumMelinda TuanJanuary 29, 2025Goldman Sachs
Worksheet: Determining Your Philanthropic Approach – Identifying the “Why, When, Where, What, How, and With Whom” of Your Giving CurriculumMelinda TuanJanuary 29, 2025Goldman Sachs
Worksheet: Craft and Test Your Charitable Mission Statement CurriculumMelinda TuanJanuary 29, 2025Goldman Sachs
Shifting Power at the Intersection of Listening and Participation BlogMelinda TuanMarch 16, 2023Center for Effective Philanthropy